My Africa trip
In july 1992,
I decided to quit the daily routine at home and pursuing an old dream I left to become a volunteer in Africa. I sold my car, left my rented flat and gave notice that I would leave my job by the end of the month. My decision, which came after long reflection, stemmed from my desire to become one of those people that joined volunteer associations to help the development of the populations in the “third world”. I came into contact with CEFA from Bologna and would then leave for Africa. CEFA is one of those non-governmental associations that operate all over the world to provide humanitarian help, especially where food supplies and technology are lacking. I started to attend courses in Bologna, meant to check our aptitude. There I met people who had already had experiences as volunteers as well as new recruits and once the chance of starting. The time of volunteer service for non-governmental organisations usually spans between two and three years, but I decided to try for a much shorter period , to check how I would react to such a new situation and life ordeal and also because I had signed up with the Bolzano Jets football team for the 1993 Serie A Championship, due to start in February. The new adventure in Tanzania became real, I had no doubt about leaving. I bought the air ticket for a flight scheduled at the beginning of November and return at the end of January and flew to Dar Es Salaam.
“I am going to Dar Es Salaam destination.”